Cuba: Branded by Emily Lozano

Cuba: Branded by Emily Lozano

Last year I signup up for Kickstarter, a crowdfunding website, in the hope of starting a brand related project with the help of hundreds of investors, but the restriction for US based projects made me give up the idea for a while.

Today, I went back to the site to check if something have changed just to find out they are still closed for anyone outside US, but while browsing some projects I stumble on Cuba: Branded, a brand related project by Emily Lozano.

While I’m a bit disappointed for not being able to start my own project there, I really loved her project and I hope to create some awareness and help her raise the funds for the project.

So, if your into branding, and as myself, would like to learn more about branding in the communist state of Cuba, consider backing Cuba: Branded project over KickStarter. Perhaps if enough backing is coming from UK, KickStarter will consider opening the doors for us here too.

Excerpt from KickStarter website:

Cuba: Branded is a project that explores that state of Branding in a communist country where everything is owned by the state. [more]

Cuba: Branded by Emily Lozano

Make sure you also visit Cuba: Branded website which already has lots of interesting stuff on the subject of branding. Via @emilylozano.