How To Design a Logo With Jim Krause

How To Design a Logo With Jim Krause
How To Design a Logo With Jim Krause
How To Design a Logo With Jim Krause
How To Design a Logo With Jim Krause

How To Design a Logo is a digital course created by the award-winning designer and book author Jim Krause, which you can at any time sign up over the How Design University. I can’t attest the quality of the course as I haven’t taken it myself, but if you judge it by the presentation given by the author Jim Krause below, I would say it must be great.

Here’s an excerpt from How Design University website:

In this course, award-winning designer Jim Krause (author of the The Logo Brainstorm Book) will provide you with the idea-starting tools you need to spark appealing, functional and enduring design solutions. Krause will breakdown the process of creating logos—teaching you how to go from research, to sketches, to developing the symbols, emblems and typography that will bring your design to life. You’ll be given the chance to develop logo ideas from their raw beginnings, flex your creative muscles as you search for alternative stylistic outcomes, and improve your ability to produce presentation-ready designs.

If you’re interested in learning how to design a logo, taking this course is going to cost you $99.99, which seems like a fair amount for what you can learn from it. So if you do, I would love to have your opinion on it.

Update on 24/10/2014

Krause’s course is no longer available on How University, so I’ve got in touch with him to ask if it’s available anywhere else and, unfortunately, that’s not the case. The good news is that the told me that he will create a new course at some point in time.

If you liked what you saw here, and think Jim’s course was exactly what you were looking for, consider checking out his book while you wait for the new course. I’ve got a copy myself and it was an excellent read, full of tips and tricks to help you create better logos.

Update on 23/04/2015

It seem Krause’s course is back on How University, you can enroll here.